Resource Center
60 Hamburg Duncan Rd
Uniontown, AL 36786

Local: (334) 231-7019
Toll Free: (888) 959-0794

Last Chance Census

If you haven’t already, take advantage of the next 24 hours and show them that your community matters.
Time is running out! With the news that the Supreme Court is allowing the Trump Administration to cut the census short, that gives us less than 48 hours to ask people to fill out their census, NOW!
Here’s how people can make sure they are counted:
ONLINE at by October 15, 2020 at 11:59 pm Hawaii Standard Time (HST) (6:00 am Eastern Daylight Time on October 16, 2020)
BY PHONE at 844-330-2020 (English) or 844-468-2020 (Spanish) through October 15,
PAPER census questionnaires must be postmarked by October 15, 2020.